GATE ECE 2017 Multiple Choice Questions with Answer-Practice(PDF)

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GATE ECE MCQ-Multiple Choice Questions with Answer-Practice(PDF) 


1.The correct statements are
(a) 1.2,3
(b) 1,3,4
(b) 1.2.4
(c) 3.4
Ans: D

2.Which of the following does not characterize a ferromagnetic material ?
(a) Permittivity
(b) Coercivity
(c) Remanence
(d) Permeability
Ans: A

3.ECE | Which of the following statement is true

(a) Alnico is commonly used tor-electromagnets
(b) Paper can’t affect magnetic flux because it is not a magnetic material
(c) Iron is generally used for permaneni magnet
(d) All the above
Ans: B

4.Two vectors A & B are equal if their
(a) magnitudes are equal
(b) directions arc the same
(c) either (a) or (b)
(d) both (a) & (b) together
Ans: D

5.When electric field is parallel to the place of incidence, the electromagnetic wave u said to be
(a) Linearly polarized
(b) Circularly polarized
(c) Ellipticaliy polarized
(d) ParaUely polarized
Ans: D

6.Hysteresis losses:
(a) generally increase with direct current in a coil
(b) are caused by high frequency a .. currents
(c) can not be produced in an iron cure because it is a conductor
(d) none of these
Ans: B

7.High frequency waves are
(a) Absorbed by the F2 layer.
(b) Reflected by the D layer
(c) Capable of use for longrdistance communications on the moon-
(d) Affected by the solar cycle
Ans: D

8.The unit of eo, the permittivity of free space is
(a) (coulomb)2/newton – metre2
(b) (coulomb)2/joule- metre
(c) -Farad/m
(d) all are correct
Ans: D
1.When an electromagnetic wave, undergoes reflections from a plane of conducting units, it acquires
(a) group velocity greater than the velocity of light.
(b) group velocity less than the velocity of light
(c) phase velocity greater than the velocity of light
(d) phase velocity less than the velocity of light
Ans: C

9.While comparing a magnetic circuit with an electric circuit, the equivalent of the magnetic flux is
(a) The voltage of the source
(b) The current in the lines
(c) The conductance of the load
(d) The conductivity of the lines
Ans: B

10.The current in a circuit with resistance in 6 amp. When an additional resistance of 4 ohms is inserted, the current drops to 4 amp. The original resistance in ohms is
(a) 16
(b) 8
(c) 2
(d) 4
Ans: B

11.Vectors can be added :
(a) differentially
(b) comroutatively
(c) by compounding
(d) none of these
Ans: B
12.Which of the following relation is in correct ?
(a) Permeability = 1/reluctivity
(b) Resistance x Conductance = I
(c) Reluctance x mmf = flux
(d) None of the above
Ans: C

13.e of electromagnetic waves
Ans: C

14.A point charge is placed at the centre of a spherical Gaussian surface. The flux fE is changed
(1) if the sphere is replaced by a cube of same volume
(2) if the charge is moved off centre of the sphere
(3) if the charge is moved outside the sphere
(4) if a second charge is placed inside the sphere
15.The wave propagation occurs without attenuation in case of a
(a) perfect dielectric
(b) semi-conductor
(c) conductor
(d) all of the above
Ans: A

16.When a charge q moves with velocity v in a magnetic field B and an electric field E, the Lorentz force F is given by
(a) F = q . E+v q B
(b) F = q-E+vB
(c) F = qv BE
(d) F = qv BE2
Ans: A

17.The ratio of tangential component of electric field at the surface of a conductor and the linear current density resulting from this field is
(a) critical impedance
(b) surface impedance
(c) characteristic impedance
(d) polarizing impedance
Ans: B

18.When a wave is incident from the more dense into a less dense medium at an angle equal to or exceeding the critical angle, the wave suffices
(a) total internal transmission
(b) total internal reflection
(c) total internal refraction
(d) none of these
Ans: C

19.When a wave is incident from the more dense into a less dense medium at an angle equal to or exceeding the critical angle, the wave suffices:
(a) total internal transmission
(b) total internal reflection
(c) total internal refraction
(d) none of these
Ans: C

20.Polarization in electromagnetic wave is caused by
(a) Reflection
(b) Refraction
(c) Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves
(d) Longitudinal nature

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