Mechanical -Theory of Machines Multiple Choice Question(MCQ) with Answers

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Mechanical Engineering-(Theory of Machines) Multiple Choice Question(MCQ)  with Answer  Model Question -1


1-In order to have a complete balance of the several revolving masses in different planes

(A) The resultant couple must be zero

(B) The resultant force must be zero

(C) Both the resultant force and resultant couple must be zero

(D) None of the above



2-A flywheel is a device which controls

(A) the mean speed of rotation of the engine shaft over a long period of time

(B) the speed variation caused by cyclic fluctuation of energy

(C) the fluctuation of energy over a long period

(D) the fuel supply to control the mean speed of the engine shaft



3-Identify the antifriction bearing

(A) Ball and roller bearing

(B) Thrust bearing

(C) Journal bearing

(D) Gas bearing



4-Types of gears used to connect two non-parallel non-intersecting shafts are

(A) Spur gears

(B) Bevel gears

(C) Helical gears

(D) Spiral gears



5-In a gear train, when the axes of the shafts over which gears are mounted, move relative to a fixed axis, is called

(A) Simple gear train

(B) Compound gear train

(C) Reverted gear train

(D) Epicyclical gear train



6-In a spur gear the product of diametric pitch and circular pitch is equal to

(A) 1/π

(B) 1

(C) 2π

(D) π



7-The following one is an inversion of single slider crank chain

(A) Watt’s indicator mechanism

(B) Beam engine

(C) Whitworth quick return motion mechanism

(D) Elliptical trammel



8-A kinematic chain has ‘n’ links. The number of possible inversions is

(A) n

(B) (n-1)

(C) n+1

(D) (n-2)


9-If the elements in a kinematic pair have line contact or point contact. When in motion, the pair is called.

(A) Lower pair

(B) Higher pair

(C) Closed pair

(D) Open pair



10-The resultant unbalanced force is minimum in reciprocating engines when the part of the reciprocating mass balanced by rotating masses is

(A) 1/3

(B) 1/2

(C) 2/3

(D) 3/4



11-Hammer blow in locomotive results in

(A) Pulsating torque

(B) Tendency to lift the wheels from rail

(C) Uneven speed

(D) Variable horizontal force



12-The transfer function is the operational relationship of the output and the

(A) Command

(B) Response

(C) Input

(D) Error



13-If the ball masses of a governor have same equilibrium speed for all the radii of rotation, it is said to be

(A) Stable

(B) Hunting

(C) Isochronous

(D) Sensitive


14-In horizontal governor, if the stiffness of spring in increased, the governor will

(A) Become more sensitive

(B) Become less sensitive

(C) Remain affected

(D) Start hunting


15-A negative degree of freedom for a mechanism means

(A) Constrained motion mechanism

(B) Unconstrained motion mechanism

(C) Any motion

(D) Statically indeterminate structure



16-Oldham’s coupling and elliptical trammels are the inversion of

(A) Crossed slider crank chain

(B) Four bar chain

(C) Single slider crank chain

(D) Double slider crank chain

17-The Grumbler’s criterion for obtaining the degree of freedom (F) of a planer mechanism with ‘n’ number of links and ‘j’ number of binary joints, is given by

(A) F=3(n-1)-j

(B) F=3(n-1)-2j

(C) F=2(n-1)-j

(D) F=2(n-1)-2j


18-Which one of the following is a higher pair?

(A) Belt and Pulley

(B) Turning pair

(C) Cam and follower

(D) Sliding pair


19-Due to the centrifugal force acting on the rim, the flywheel arms will be subjected to

(A) Tensile stress

(B) Compressive stress

(C) Shear stress

(D) Torsion stress


20-The following usually specify the size of the gear.

(A) Tooth thickness

(B) Circular pitch

(C) Pitch circle diameter

(D) Module


21-Following is the included angle for V-belt.

(A) 10° – 20°

(B) 20° – 30°

(C) 30° – 40°

(D) 60° – 80°


22-Thrust bearings accommodate loads that acts

(A) Along the axis of rotation

(B) parallel to the axis of rotation

(C) Perpendicular to the axis of rotation

(D) opposite to the axis of rotation


23-To complete a cycle, number of revolutions of crankshaft required for a four stroke engine is

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 4

(D) 8


24-For same power and same speed, the flywheel of a four stroke engine as compared to two stroke IC engine will be

(A) smaller

(B) bigger

(C) same size

(D) depend on other engine parameters


25-The crowning of pulley is done to

(A) improve power

(B) improve pulley strength

(C) increase velocity ratio

(D) prevent the belt running off the pulley


26-Which of the following governor cannot be isochronous?

(A) Watt

(B) Hartnell

(C) Propel

(D) Porter


27-Which of the following gears are used to connect two non parallel non intersecting shafts

(A) Spur

(B) Helical

(C) Bevel

(D) Worm gear


28-From the point of view of strength which gear profile is better?

(A) Involute

(B) Cyclonical

(C) Conjugate

(D) None of these


29-Lanchester technique of balancing can be used for balancing of

(A) Primary force

(B) Secondary forces

(C) Pitching moments

(D) All of the above


30-Mass ‘m’ is attached to a shaft rotating at ω rad/s at radius ‘r’ from the axis of shaft is balanced by mass mb at radius rb from the axis. If the speed of the shaft is doubled for balance, the value of mass mb is

(A) Doubled

(B) Quadruple

(C) Halved

(D) Unaffected


31-The axis of spin, the axis of precession and axis of applied gyroscopic torque are contained in

(A) One plane

(B) Two planes perpendicular to each other

(C) Three planes perpendicular to one another

(D) None of the above

32. Which of the following disciplines provides study of inertia forces arising from the combined effect of the mass and the motion of the parts
(a) theory of machines
(b) applied mechanics
(c) mechanisms
(d)     kinetics
(e)     kinematics.

33. Which of the following disciplines provides study of relative motion between the parts of a machine
(a) theory of machines
(b) applied mechanics
(c) mechanisms
(d)     kinetics
(e) kinematics.

34. Which of the following disciplines provides study of the relative motion between the parts of a machine and the forces acting on the parts
(a) theory of machines
(b) applied mechanics
(c) mechanisms
(d) kinetics
(e) kinematics.

35. The type of pair formed by two elements which are so connected that one is constrained to turn or revolve about a fixed axis of another element is known as
(a)     turning pair
(b)     rolling pair
(c)     sliding pair
(d)     spherical pair
(e)     lower pair,

36. Which of the following is a lower pair
(a) ball and socket i
(b) piston and cylinder
(c) cam and follower
(d) (a) and (b) above
(e) belt drive.

37. If two moving elements have surface contact in motion, such pair is known as
(a)     sliding pair
(b)     rolling pair
(c)     surface pair
(d)     lower pair
(e)     higher pair.

38. The example of lower pair is
(a) shaft revolving in a bearing
(b) straight line motion mechanisms
(c) automobile steering gear
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above.

39. Pulley in a belt drive acts as
(a) cylindrical pair
(b) turning pair
(c) rolling pair
(d) sliding pair
(e) surface pair.

40. The example of rolling pair is
(a) bolt and nut
(b) lead screw of a lathe
(c) ball and socket joint
(d) ball bearing and roller bearing
(e) all of the above.

41. Any point on a link connecting double slider crank chain will trace a
(a)     straight line
(b)     circle
(c)     ellipse
(d)     parabola
(e)     hyperbola.

42. The purpose of a link is to
(a) transmit motion
(b) guide other links
(c) act as a support
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above.

43. A universal joint is an example of
(a)     higher pair
(b)     lower pair
(c)     rolling pair
(d)     sliding pair
(e)     turning pair.

44. Rectilinear motion of piston is converted into rotary by
(a)     cross head
(b)     slider crank
(c) connecting rod
(d) gudgeon pin
(e) four bar chain mechanism.

45. Pitch point on a cam is
(a) any point on pitch curve
(b) the point on cam pitch curve having the maximum pressure angle
(c) any point on pitch circle
(d) the point on cam pitch curve having the minimum pressure angle
(e) none of the above.

46. The values of velocity and acceleration of piston at near dead center for a slider-crank mechanism will be
(a) 0, and more than co2r
(b) 0, and less than coV
(c) 0, 0
(d)     cor, 0
(e)     none of the above.

47. The example of spherical pair is
(a) bolt and nut
(b) lead screw of a lathe
(c) ball and socket joint
(d) ball bearing and roller bearing
(e) none of the above.

48. Cross head and guides form a
(a)     lower pair
(b)     higher pair
(c)     turning pair
(d)     rolling pair
(e)     sliding pair.

49. A circular bar moving in a round hole is an example of
(a) incompletely constrained motion
(b) partially constrained motion
(c) completely constrained motion
(d)     successfully constrained motion
(e)     none of the above

50. If some links are connected such that motion between them can take place in more than one direction, it is called
(a) incompletely constrained motion
(b) partially constrained motion
(c) completely constrained motion
(d) successfully constrained motion
(e) none of the above.

Answer Sheet of  Theory of Machines:

1-(C), 2-(B), 3-(A), 4-(D), 5-(D), 6-(D), 7-(C), 8-(A), 9-(B), 10-(B), 11-(B), 12-(C), 13-(C), 14-(B), 15-(D), 16-(D) 17-(B), 18-(C), 19-(A), 20-(C), 21-(C), 22-(A), 23-(B), 24-(B), 25-(D), 26-(D), 27-(D), 28-(B), 29-(D), 30-(D), 31-(C), 32-d,33-e,34-a,35-a, 36-d, 37-e, 38-d, 39-c, 40-d, 41-d, 42-d, 43-b, 44-b, 45-b, 46-a,47-c, 48-e, 49-a, 50-a.


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