Strength of Materials-Mechanical Multiple Choice Questions Answers(PDF)

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Strength of Materials-Mechanical Multiple Choice Questions with Answers (PDF)



1. The property of a material by virtue of which it can be beaten or rolled into plates is called
(a) malleability
(b) ductility
(c) plasticity
(d) elasticity
(e) reliability.

Ans: a

2. The change in the unit volume of a material under tension with increase in its Poisson’s ratio will ,
(a) increase
(b) decrease
(c) remain same
(d) increase initially and then decrease
(e) unpredictable.

Ans: b

3. Poisson’s ratio is defined as the ratio of
(a) longitudinal stress and longitudinal strain
(b) longitudinal stress and lateral stress
(c) lateral stress and longitudinal stress
(d) lateral stress and lateral strain
(e) none of the above.

Ans: c

4. For which material the Poisson’s ratio is more than unity
(a) steel
(b) copper
(c) aluminium
(d) cast iron
(e) none of the above.

Ans: e

5. The percentage reduction in area of a cast iron specimen during tensile test would be of the order of
(a) more than 50%
(b) 25—50%
(c) 10—25%
(d) 5—10%
(e) negligible.

Ans: e

6. If a material expands freely due to heating it will develop
(a) thermal stresses
(b) tensile stress
(c) bending
(d) compressive stress
(e) no stress.

Ans: e

7. In a tensile test, near the elastic limit zone, the
(a) tensile strain increases more quickly
(b) tensile strain decreases more quickly
(c) tensile strain increases in proportion to the stress
(d) tensile strain decreases in proportion to the stress
(e) tensile strain remains constant.

Ans: a

8. The stress necessary to initiate yielding is
(a) considerably greater than that necessary to continue it
(b) considerably lesser than that necessary to continue it
(c) greater than that necessary to stop it
(d) lesser than that necessary to stop it
(e) equal to that necessary to stop it.

Ans: a

10. In the tensile test, the phenomenon of slow extension of the material, i. e. stress increasing with the time at a constant load is called
(a) creeping
(b) yielding
(c) breaking
(d) plasticity
(e) none of the above.

Ans: a

11. The stress developed in a material at breaking point in extension is called
(a) breaking stress
(b) fracture stress
(c) yield point stress
(d) ultimate tensile stress
(e) proof stress.

Ans: a

12. Rupture stress is
(a) breaking stress
(b) maximum load/original cross-sectional area
(c) load at breaking point/A
(d) load at breaking point/neck area
(e) maximum stress.

Ans: d

13. The elasticity of various materials is controlled by its
(a) ultimate tensile stress
(b) proof stress
(c) stress at yield point
(d) stress at elastic limit
(e) tensile stress.

Ans: d

14. The ratio of lateral strain to the linear strain within elastic limit is known as
(a) Young’s modulus
(b) bulk modulus
(c) modulus of rigidity
(d) modulus of elasticity
(e) Poisson’s ratio.

Ans: e

15. The ratio of direct stress to volumetric strain in case of a body subjected to three mutually perpendicular stresses of equal intensity, is equal to
(a) Young’s modulus
(b) bulk modulus
(c) modulus of rigidity
(d) modulus of elasticity
(e) Poisson’s ratio.

Ans: b

16. The stress at which extension of the material takes place more quickly as compared to the increase in load is called
(a) elastic point of the material
(b) plastic point of the material
(c) breaking point of the material
(d) yielding point of the material
(e) ultimate point of the material.

Ans: d

17. In question 56, the internal reaction in bottom 80 cm length will be
(a) same in both cases
(b) zero in first case
(c) different in both cases
(d) data are not sufficient to determine same
(e) none of the above.

Ans: b

18. Flow stress corresponds to
(a) fluids in motion
(b) breaking point
(c) plastic deformation of solids
(d) rupture stress
(e) none of the above.

Ans: c

19. When it is indicated that a member is elastic, it means that when force is applied, it will
(a) not deform
(b) be safest
(c) stretch
(d) not stretch
(e) none of the above.

Ans: c

20. The energy absorbed in a body, when it is strained within the elastic limits, is known as
(a) strain energy
(b) resilience
(c) proof resilience
(d) modulus of resilience
(e) toughness..

Ans: a

21. Resilience of a material is considered when it is subjected to
(a) frequent heat treatment
(b) fatigue
(c) creep
(d) shock loading
(e) resonant condition.

Ans: d

22. The maximum strain energy that can be stored in a body is known as
(a) impact energy
(b) resilience
(c) proof resilience
(d) modulus of resilience
(e) toughness.

Ans: c

23. The total strain energy stored in a body is termed as
(a) resilience
(b) proof resilience
(c) modulus of resilience
(d) toughness
(e) impact energy.
Ans: a

24. Proof resilience per material is known as
(a) resilience
(b) proof resilience
(c) modulus of resilience
(d) toughness
(e) impact energy.

Ans: c

25. The stress induced in a body due to suddenly applied load compared to when it is applied gradually is
(a) same
(b) half
(c) two times
(d) four times
(e) none of the above.

Ans: c

26. The strain energy stored in a body due to suddenly applied load compared to when it is applied gradually is
(a) same
(b) twice
(c) four times
(d) eight times
(e) half.

Ans: c

27. A material capable of absorbing large amount of energy before fracture is known as
(a) ductility
(b) toughness
(c) resilience
(d) shock proof
(e) plasticity.

Ans: b

28. Coaxing is the method of increasing
(a) strength by reversible cycling
(b) corrosion resistance by spraying
(c) hardness by surface treatment
(d) fatigue resistance by over-stressing the metal by successively increasing loadings
(e) creep by head treatment.

Ans: c

29. A beam is loaded as cantilever. If the load at the end is increased, the failure will occur
(a) in the middle
(b) at the tip below the load
(c) at the support
(d) anywhere
(e) none of the above.

Ans: d

30. A non-yielding support implies that the
(a) support is frictionless
(b) support can take any amount of reaction
(c) support holds member firmly
(d) slope of the beam at the support is zero
(e) none of the above.

Ans: d


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